Feb 19, 2024

This week, dozens of Republicans have come forward, showing screen shots of their voting history from the Clark County Elections Department website, specifically their mail-in ballot voting history in this month’s primary presidential election. The only problem is that they all claim they never mailed in their ballots.

In 2020, the Clark County Elections Department was at the center of a crisis when Republican observers were blocked from watching ballot vote counts. On November 2020 election night, the Clark County Elections Department suddenly stopped counting votes over night, only to find thousands of mail-in ballots the next day for Biden. But what was worse were the thousands of questionable voter registrations found by Republicans during that investigation.

The Republican Party found 19K votes from folks who lived out of state and 15K votes from folks registered to vacant commercial lots. We were told by Chuck Muth that we were crazy and stupid. We needed to trust the system. BTW, judges in Carson City refused to allow the Trump team and state Republican officials to inspect the ballots. Judge Russell, who just retired rather than answer to voters, shut down the investigation.

So when Republicans like Jim Small, who voted in the caucus and swears he never mailed in his ballot, but Clark County’s computer system shows he did mail in his ballot, it certainly raises red flags. In fact, Jim provided a picture of his mail-in ballot, which the Elections Department claims was “mailed in and counted”.

Jim Small said:

I am a bit concerned that the Nv Sec of State “official” site voting history shows my mail ballot as being returned. I did not return the mail ballot & I did vote in the Presidential Primary. I’ve read many others have the same experience. Investigation time? Asking for a friend. NOT!
You can see what’s on the SOS site & my unopened mail ballot next to today’s paper.
You know what the obvious question is!

We’re sorry for questioning the Harry Reid political machine that controls the Clark County Election Department. The same Dems who rigged the presidential primary with super-delegates. RFK Jr. left the Democratic Party because he found it rigged.

And of course, our own NV AG, Aaron Ford, filed felonies two months ago against Nevada Republican officials for claiming the 2020 election was rigged. Because innocent people do that.

We tried reaching out to election officials, but today is President’s Day so they are off. 360 News will follow up with this issue and report back to you.

Check your voting history by clicking here and email us a screen shot and your contact information to [email protected]

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