March 3, 2021

Rob Lauer Political Reporter

Four months ago, White Pine County was the first county to pass a resolution voiding Sisolak’s CV19 rules. The White Pine County Commission passed a resolution “Declaring” their own “Economic Emergency” under Nevada Revised Statute NRS 414, voiding Governor Sisolak’s Emergency Orders. Gov. Sisolak has been threatening to withhold Federal Cares Act dollars from Counties who refuse to follow his Emergency Orders. But Nevada Attorney Joey Gilbert discovered in the Cares Act law, the governor does not have the authority to withhold funds from counties. Yesterday, Sisolak announced he will “cede” control over CV19 rules to the counties.

Reno Attorney, Joe Gilbert filed a lawsuit in White Pine County challenging Sisolak’s CV19 rules back in November representing the local movie theater owner. With litigation ongoing in White Pine County, Sisolak appears to be on the cuff of losing his authority anyway.

Gilbert told 360 News “White Pine County has been open for months now and no mass deaths. So they have their test case, 4,000 people and no problems”. “The Court is about to force Gov. Sisolak to produce his official CV19 records and Sisolak thinks his actions here will make our lawsuit moot. Wrong, Sisolak’s unconstitutional actions caused my client real damages and I plan to seek Justice for my client,.”

Less than a month ago, Gov. Sioslak threatened rebel rural counties with cutting off funding and legal action.

White Pine County Commissioner, Ian Bullis, and Lead Pastor at Calvary Assembly Of God spoke out taking on the Governor at the time. Now Commissioner Bullis issued the following statement in response to this week’s events:

“While it’s unclear whether the Governor’s decision is genuine, it certainly feels patronizing. First off, I find it insulting that people expect us to applaud someone for “giving back” what they never had any right to take. It’s like celebrating a thief returning stolen items. Even more amusing to me is the fact that we NEVER truly embraced or followed his directives in the first place so literally NOTHING changes by him “allowing” us to make our own decisions. The more important item that needs addressing is for Jim Wheeler’s proposed legislation to be passed, which would deal with this (and any future) Governor’s ability to abuse “emergency powers”.

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