Jan 17, 2024

“Repair the Vote” political action committee, led by Dave Gibbs, again filed a constitutional ballot initiative requiring voters to show a picture ID when voting in person. BTW, 73% of voters in recent polls support voter ID laws. In fact, in Georgia, voter turnout was up by 168% from the last gubernatorial primary in 2018 and up 212% from the presidential primary in 2020, when President Trump was on the ballot, according to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, after the voter ID law was passed.

But two years ago, a group of Dem lawyers sued to block Gibbs’ 2022 Voter ID Ballot Initiative, claiming Gibbs’ voter ID law will hurt minorities because they are too stupid to get picture IDs. Even though the judge struck down the ballot initiative in 2022, the judge actually wrote the language he would accept. Using that language verbatim, Gibbs launched a new effort last year. And on top of that, the same Dem lawyers filed a new lawsuit to stop it last month.

The lawyers cited this section. The Court’s approved petition’s description of the effect reads in full:

If passed, this initiative would amend the state constitution to
require that all persons voting in person present an approved photo.
identification before being provided a ballot. It also requires that
Voters submitting a mail-in ballot provide additional verification of
their identity when completing their mail-in ballot.

This time the Dem lawyers are claiming the new Ballot Initiative, which is a Constitution Amendment, violates the Nevada State Constitution against expending funds. They argue that either the state will have to provide state IDs or the voters will need to pay for voter IDs.

But the court ruled on this issue two years ago, so the issue should be moot.

These same Dem lawyers defeated other worthy constitutional amendment ballot initiatives that were unconstitutional.

In addition, the State Legislature has already authorized fee exemptions for DMV state IDs for the homeless, poor, persons under 25 years old, prisoners, and other low-income citizens. So the ballot initiative would not require the legislature to authorize expenditures or citizens to pay for state IDs since it already has.

The Dem lawyers may need to defend their standing.Their plaintiff, Jennifer Fleischmann appears to have a DMV issued State license to operate a car. . But the Dem lawyers fail to mention whether Ms. Fleischman would be damaged by the ballot initiative because she doesn’t have a state ID. It’s very difficult to find anyone in Nevada without a picture ID or access to a free ID.

Time is running out for Gibbs, since he must obtain 102,362 valid signatures by June 26, 2024, to qualify for the November 2024 election.

Dave Gibbs issue this exclusive statement to 360 News Las Vegas

“It’s disturbing that the Democratic Party establishment is opposed to people showing a photo ID when they vote. You have to show a photo ID to get on an airplane, to cash a check, to check into a hotel here in Nevada. Our voting rights are precious, and every American citizen should be concerned that every individual who casts a ballot is, in fact, that registered voter.”

Website link for Voter ID Ballot Initiative: Repair The Vote


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