June 15, 2024

Elections come down to two things. Name ID and likability. That’s it. You vote for the candidates that you’ve read about and/or heard about and those you like. It often takes a few election cycles to build up your name ID with voters before you win.

Today, there are many folks who worked their hearts out running for office over the last 12 months and lost this week’s primary. You feel disappointed and exhausted. I get it.

But today is the first day of the next election for you. What you do today, right now, will determine if you are a winner or a loser.

There’re a few Republican candidates still waging political war. Voters are watching right now and taking note of those who are team players and those who are not. It’s time to stop fighting each other. Not for some idealistic reason but for your own political future.


Sam Brown ran a widely successful bid for the Republican nomination for the Nevada U.S. Senate seat in 2020 against Adam Laxalt and still lost. Laxalt had been on the ticket the last several cycles. His name’s legacy was generational, going back to the 1970s in Nevada. Laxalt had Trump’s endorsement from day one and all the money he could need. Brown came out of nowhere raised $4 million and gave Laxalt heartburn right up to the end.

But Brown did not quit and take his marbles and go home. He endorsed Laxalt, went out, and campaigned for him across the state. He showed he could be a team player and work for the betterment of the party. In the end, he benefited widely. Laxalt’s voters became Brown’s voters. Brown earned the respect of Republican political leaders here and in Washington, D.C. This week, Brown’s strategy of playing the long game delivered him 60% of the Republican primary vote. He destroyed the newcomers and his millions.

Take April Becker. She keeps fighting. Her family is very wealthy. She doesn’t need to run and all the crap that comes with it. But she genuinely cares about our community and is trying to make a difference. Even though she didn’t win the State Senate race in 2020 (the election was stolen) or the House race in 2022, she kept moving forward, helping others after her losses. It paid off this week. April just won the primary by 69%, smashing her primary opponents.

But her opponents ran a good race. They need to now step up and help April. Then try again next time. Never give up.

The one thing every widely successful person will tell you is to never ever quit. Every person on earth would tell you that Abraham Lincoln was a huge success in life and as president. But one look at his record would tell a very different story. The fact is, he was a chronic loser who never quit.


Abraham Lincoln Never Quit

  • 1816: His family was forced out of their home. He had to work to support them.
  • 1818: His mother died.
  • 1831: Failed in business.
  • 1832: Ran for state legislature – lost.
  • 1832: Also lost his job – wanted to go to law school but couldn’t get in.
  • 1833: Borrowed some money from a friend to begin a business and by the end of the year he was bankrupt. He spent the next 17 years of his life paying off this debt.
  • 1834: Ran for state legislature again – won.
  • 1835: Was engaged to be married, sweetheart died and his heart was broken.
  • 1836: Had a total nervous breakdown and was in bed for six months.
  • 1838: Sought to become speaker of the state legislature – defeated.
  • 1840: Sought to become elector – defeated.
  • 1843: Ran for Congress – lost.
  • 1846: Ran for Congress again – this time he won – went to Washington and did a good job.
  • 1848: Ran for re-election to Congress – lost.
  • 1849 Sought the job of land officer in his home state – rejected.
  • 1854: Ran for Senate of the United States – lost.
  • 1856: Sought the Vice-Presidential nomination at his party’s national convention – got less than 100 votes.
  • 1858: Ran for U.S. Senate again – again he lost.
  • 1860: Elected president of the United States.

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