Active Shooter Training for School Police

Active Shooter Training for School Police

May 25, 2022

Rob Lauer Political Reporter

After the horrific mass shooting in Texas, of course Clark County Public school safety is in the news. Factl Clark County School District has 366 campuses. Fact; CCSD has only 146 school police. Fact; CCSD has 54,000 employees, 320k students. That means at least half the campuses are completely unprotected today.

In 2019, as Nevada Democrats voted for more gun control targeting law abiding citizens, at the same time they gutted some $30 million from school safe funding including funding going to security support infrastructure and school police. As far back as 2013, a numerous school shooting across the country exposed Clark County Schools as wide open to attacks, many leaders called to more funding to harden school security. Many of Clark County Public Schools lack even basic security and are literally wide open to the public. The funding would have provided funding to secure those older schools.

Senator Ben Kieckefer expressed shock and dismay at the budget cuts

“The idea that they just backed out $30 million that was directed to doing that is really unfathomable to me”.

We asked candidates running for Clark County School Board to comment on school safety in light of yesterdays events.

KC Freels told 360 News,

From the beginning of my campaign for Clark County School Board District G I have said we are in a crisis. Yesterday just reinforces what I have been saying. My son along with all of our kids are not safe and not protected against a similar attack here in Clark County. Instead our crazy left wing school board defunded our police over the last 4 yrs, pumped our kids with sex ed (pornography), sexaulization, transgenderism and juvenile justice reform. All of which together is a recipe for the kind of violence we saw yesterday in Texas when a deeply disturbed young man struck down helpless children. When I’m elected, on day one, I will make sure we have at least 2 armed and well trained police officers assigned to every CCSD campus. My priority will be our kids’ mental health and physical safety, unlike the current sex perverts that run our school board now.


Jay Coach Calhoun told 360 News

As the father of three kids in Clark County Public Schools, I am truly afraid for their safety. Danielle Ford has failed to say one word for the last 4 years to make our schools safer. As an Army Veteran, I understand force protection and I understand what it takes to protect our schools. More cops, more security, more cameras and less sex ed, less focus on transgender pronouns and less CRT. Your kids and my kids are not safe at school today because our leaders either don’t care or don’t get it.




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