2022 Nov Election Night Picture Credit Rob Lauer

Jan 9, 2023

Rob Lauer Political Reporter

Some folks like Chuck “YOU” Muth , excuse me, Dr. Chuck “You” Muth actually calls himself the Campaign Doctor and runs a campaign college, is blaming NVGOP Chairman Micheal McDonald for losses the party sustained in 2022. Muth recently wrote a blog for his 8 senior citizens to read  titled “The Numbers are Finally In: Nevada GOP’s Epic GOTV Fail” But Chuck Muth literally campaigned against Republicans like Jim Marchant, supporting third party candidates, and now he blames McDonald for Marchant’s loss. BTW, Dr. Muth lost every single campaign he was paid to consult and or manage this cycle.

This is exactly what Dr. Muth said on his blog when he endorsed IAP candidate Hansen.

“That said, after three decades in this biz – I didn’t exactly fall off the turnip truck last night – I’m fully aware that the LP and IAP candidates in the general election can siphon votes from the GOP candidate in any given race – enough votes to throw the race to the Democrats.”

The fact is, the NVGOP’s GOTV (get out the vote) program performed extremely well. Numbers don’t lie, Chuck “YOU” Muth lies. The fact is that the NVGOP’s statewide turnout was 11% greater than the Democrats.

Republicans – 392,601 (69.5% of all Republicans)

Democrats – 364,570 (59.1% of all Democrats)

NonPartisans – 265,021 (37.1% of all NonPartisans)

The fact is, the NVGOP had a ballot harvesting program that knocked on thousands of doors and offered to help turn in ballots. The fact is, the NVGOP exceeded voter registration from  620,197 statewide registered Republicans in January 2022 to 638,973 statewide registered Republicans in December 2022. In that same time, Democrats lost folks, going from 716,035 statewide registered Dems in January 2022 to 709,541 statewide registered Dems in December 2022. (source: NV SOS website).

In the end, each race was won or lost due to a host of issues including the quality of the campaign management, the quality of the candidate, their messaging, money to get their message out, third party candidates, and competitive primaries that cost too much to fight, leaving candidates wounded and broke limping into the general election.

Governor-Elect Lombardo won because, he had a extremely professional campaign team, raised millions of dollars, and he had huge name ID worth $10 million after winning two consecutive elections in Clark County. His police department successfully solved the Jeff German murder, showing him to be a competent administrator, and being a cop helped him win the law and order issue. And Sisolak’s complete failure to get the average non-political person unemployment money after shutting down their companies and calling them non essential turned them into Lombardo voters. 

Still to this day, Republicans refuse to change on a host of things that could make us more competitive. Dems have no competitive primaries where they eat their own while wasting tons of money. Republican voters generally oppose early voting, utilizing methods such as mailing ballots and ballot harvesting, even though the Dems are kicking our asses using these methods.

Last but not least, we need to sue the state to clean up our voter rolls. Nevada’s voter rolls require action, from dead people to illegal aliens to thousands of liberals who live out of state. That is in the NVGOP’s wheelhouse.

While Chairman Michael McDonald outperformed in areas like voter registration and infrastructure, the party lacks discipline, candidate support, and fundraising. Polling and focus groups clearly were lacking in 2022, or we would have seen abortion as the threat that it was. In many races, we lost the independents, while Lombardo won the independents. Regardless of who runs the party, we all have a duty to support the party with time and/or money and not openly oppose our party’s nominees Chuck.

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