August 15, 2024

It all started one night while President Trump was out at dinner in Las Vegas at the Trump Hotel. A waitress who was serving the former president and the current nominee for the Republican Party for president told Trump about the Biden IRS harassing her and other waitresses over taxes on tips. Trump listened very closely to her stressful story. He then asked her if she would be happy if the government eliminated taxes on tips? She expressed true excitement at the idea of keeping all of her tips.

Following that encounter, Trump announced a new policy of no tax on tips while in Nevada on tour. Of course the Dems and their friends in the Culinary Union quickly tried to dismiss Trump’s proposal. But it caught fire, and Trump’s numbers soared in Nevada to a 14-point lead of then-President Biden.

Democrats being very smart tacticians quickly cooped the issue, and now every Democrat in Nevada is all for no tax on tips. Even Kamala Harris is now for no tax on tips, a new policy she announced here in Nevada on her recent trip to Las Vegas. Except she was the deciding vote in the Senate to tax tips.

Republicans used to be all for cutting taxes, but that faded away over the years when RINO’s raised taxes here in Nevada, giving up their electoral advantage. In fact, the Republican Party was the dominant party in 2015, controlling the governor’s seat and both bodies of the state legislature. Then they passed the largest tax increase in the history of the state and became a permanent minority party. I was forcefully against this policy back in 2015 and helped lead an insurgency within the Republican Party against those Republicans who passed the commerce tax in Nevada.

Giving away tax dollars is a very powerful tool for politicians. Now that has its place when the tax dollars built infrastructure and other economic engines for the economy.

Dems’ real racket has been to raise taxes way up then sell tax breaks back to special interest groups in return for campaign donations.

Now Trump did it again. He is calling for no taxes on Social Security benefits. Could this be the knockout punch to Kamala Harris’s campaign and lead Republicans to take over the U.S. Senate?

Political parties are like Coke and Pepsi. They used to be brands that stood for certain policies. When you buy a Coke, you don’t expect Walmart diet soda in the can. Republican RINOS’ have dismissed cutting government and taxes here in Nevada for years and remain a minority party in the State House on the edge of becoming a super minority party. But cutting taxes on tips and social security may be just enough to move Nevada to Trump and propel the Republican party back to power in Nevada, the U.S. Senate, and the White House.



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