HomePoliticsCEGAVSKE NOW CAUGHT LYING ABOUT MAIL-IN-BALLOTS FOR NOV ELECTION Politics CEGAVSKE NOW CAUGHT LYING ABOUT MAIL-IN-BALLOTS FOR NOV ELECTION ] June 20, 2020 The week, the Clark County Commission voted unanimously for mail-in-ballots in the fall general election and now it’s up to the 711 lady, Nevada Sec of State Barbara Cegavske, to say yes or no. After 360 did a story two months ago about Cegavske already deciding to allow mail-in-ballots in the general election, her office published a response called Facts vs. Myths. Her office claimed it was a myth declaring “Since the primary election is being conducted by mail, the November general election will also be an all mail election“. Cegavske states the fact is “The decision to conduct an all-mail election is for the 2020 primary election only. All voting precincts in Nevada are currently designated as mailing precincts and will revert back to normal status after the primary election.” But we now know that her office illegally and secretly met with all 17 county elections departments and agreed to conduct mail-in-ballot elections in the primary and the fall elections. The primary was a practice run to establish a precedent that no judge would overturn after the primary election was conducted. We saw thousands of mail-in-ballots sent to 18K dead people, to 5k out of state addresses and 50K non citizens. From public records, 360 learned the scheme required county election officials to request permission from Cegavske to conduct all mail-in-ballot elections which she would then approve. The scheme is illegal because it violates the open meeting laws of Nevada. Her Fact number one proves she met with 17 counties secretly and agreed. The meeting was not conducted in public. That is a violation of the Nevada NRS. The law was established to prevent this sort of backroom deal making and protect the public interest.