Arlington by US Army Spc. Rob Lauer



As I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of death

So Cold, I see no Life, No Love, only my breath


I walk off the beaten path

Away from all the tourists and their laughs


Gravestones standing in formation in a line

Just as soldiers once did so fine


Memories of Wars long ago

And of armies on the go


The end of so many lives all around

With room for more to fill the ground


Such an honored place

With all those names without a face


Sons and fathers never forgot

With their loss great pain was brought


For the ages here they will lie

The same place a grateful nation said good bye


Forever we shall remember the sacrifice they made

So you and I could live in peace and never be afraid


By US Army Spc. Rob Lauer

I wrote this in 2005 while on a winter trip to Washington D.C after I had just completed Army Basic training.
