Sept. 22. 2024

Recently, I dropped a piece of mail at a local Las Vegas post office, literally two miles away from the letter’s destination. It took well over 5 days for that letter to reach the person. I was frustrated and dismayed by the delay. So I investigated it. A postal employee told me that all mail from Las Vegas is now routed first to Arizona, then back to Las Vegas.

This change only happened this year. No one in the post office could explain the reason for the mail from Las Vegas first going to Arizona, then back to Las Vegas for delivery. The Biden Administration implemented this change in Reno as well. On April 24, 2024, the U.S. Postal Service announced its plan to transfer mail processing operations from Reno to Sacramento. That means all mail in ballots dropped in Reno post offices go to Sacramento for processing, then back to Reno for delivery.

But this certainly raises major red flags. Why in the world would the post office spend millions of dollars shipping all that mail from Las Vegas to Arizona, then back to Las Vegas for delivery? It certainly doesn’t produce better delivery times. It’s certainly not cost-effective. Why can’t the mail be processed here in town?

The U.S. Post Office refuses to allow election observers inside their operations facilities to watch the mail-in ballots. That means every single mail-in ballot from Reno and Las Vegas will be out of site for up to a week while they are “processing.”. And they did not explain what “process” mail must go through to be delivered.

Without this change, elections here in Nevada have stretched out up to a week after election day. Gov. Lombardo has called for mail-in ballots to be counted on or before election day:

“All mail-in ballots should be received by the time polls close on Election Day.”

Democratic lawmakers rejected Lombardo’s policy change.

BTW, the U.S. postal employees’ union just endorsed Kamala Harris for president.


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