May 17, 2024
Political debates sometimes go around and around for years as the world moves on. The arguments surrounding voter ID are now technologically mute. Dems’ main argument against voter IDs is that poor blacks cannot get a state ID due to the costs. And that makes it unconstitutional. The free market has just solved that issue.
In an effort to create more secure payment systems, Amazon’s Whole Foods Grocery Stores just introduced digital palm identification technology as a payment system. No longer will you need a debit card, just your hand. Similar to fingerprint ID on your phone, the payment system uses your palm signature for identification, payment, loyalty membership, and more.
“Palm signatures” are unique to each person and are created by details like lines and ridges as well as vein patterns under the skin.
These palm recognition systems have been popping up all over the country in restaurant chains, airports, and even a baseball stadium.
So if you can pay for your groceries with just a swipe of your hand, why not use it as a voter ID at the polls?
When you sign a notarized document, you are required to provide a fingerprint in many states. So there’s no privacy issue.
But we all know Dems will fight this new technology if it applies to voter ID. Despite that, we need to continue fighting for voter ID to ensuring the security of the election system in our country.