July 13, 2024

House Dems just voted to replace American voters with illegal aliens this week. Sounds crazy? Dems have been loosing ground in battleground states to Republicans led by President Trump for the last decade. Even Black and Hispanic voters are voting more and more for Republicans. So Dems led by President Biden have flooded our country with illegal aliens in a diabolically plan to replace their voter base. And we now have the evidence.

This week the Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), introduced legislation — formally titled the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act. The bill seeks to expand proof-of-citizenship requirements to vote in federal elections and impose voter roll purge requirements on states.

Every single Republican voted yes while only 5 Dems for yes. And every NV Dem in House members voted against stopping illegal aliens from voting. The bill passed the house chamber in a 221-198 vote.

Of course the man who opened the flood gate letting in 10 million illegal aliens over the last 4 years, Biden, vowed to veto the bill.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), who introduced the bill in May, said at the time,

“Radical progressive Democrats know this and are using open border policies while also attacking election integrity laws to fundamentally remake America.”

NV Dems Dina Titus and Susie Lee claimed the bill is racist.

Nevada has allowed over 100K illegal aliens to register to vote throughout DMV automatic motor voter enrollment.

As reported in 2017 by 360 News:

360 has learned that Sec. Cegavske, just last month in March, signed off on a Memorandum of Understanding in response to a lawsuit filed by the Las Vegas ACLU and Mi Familia Vota Education Fund to enforce the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA).

Under the MOU signed by Cegavske in March 2017, the DMV will accept all voter registrations, even from non-citizens, and pass those on to the elections department and Secretary of State’s office. It is up to the Secretary of State’s office and not the DMV to determine and accept any such voter registration applications. But the DMV will not deny any voter registration applicant for any reason under the MOU, even those they know are non-citizens or illegal aliens seeking driver authorization cards. Under the MOU signed last month by Sec. Cegavske, it is solely in her hands to review and reject any such voter registration applications from non-citizens.

Statement issued by Sec. Cegavske about the MPU dated March 13, 2017:

“We are grateful for the opportunity to have participated in the cooperative efforts that led to this Memorandum of Understanding,” said Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske.  “In developing a system that will automatically transmit voter registration information from the Department of Motor Vehicles to county election officials, the parties have significantly improved Nevada’s voter registration process by adding additional efficiencies and safeguards.” 

From DMV Press Release:

The Department is one of several pass-through organizations in the state that accepts voter registration applications in accordance with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993. The NVRA, commonly referred to as the federal Motor Voter Law, requires each state’s motor vehicle driver’s license application and/or renewal to also serve as a simultaneous voter registration application. When the DMV receives an application from a customer, it is then transmitted to the appropriate agency, most often a county clerk or registrar’s office, for processing. These locations serve under the Secretary of State’s Office as the officials responsible for determining eligibility and processing voter applications.

In March, Demos announced the finalization of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed in cooperation with the DMV as well as the Secretary of State’s Office to ensure practices align in accordance with Federal guidelines. In that MOU, it states, “The DMV shall provide the appropriate Clerk/Registrar all Voter Registration Applications returned by customers without regard to their completeness.” Per the NVRA, the only reason the DMV or any pass through agency can refuse an application is due to a lack of signature.



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