June 28, 2024

Last night gaff machine Joe Biden made more than his usual countless stupid comments, like

“When I went to Normandy I spoke with thousands of Americans who gave their lives”

Biden looked like a walking corpse at the debate last night. He looked and sounded terrible. And now Democrats’ long knives have come out. The White House can’t spin this one as a deep AI fake video.

Last night the Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate from Nevada Sam Brown reacted to Biden’s performance saying

Tonight, Nevadans saw with their own eyes what a Joe Biden/Jacky Rosen ticket will look like in November, and it is disastrous.
For nearly 4 years, Jacky Rosen has enabled Joe Biden and voted with him 98% of the time. It’s clear that our state and our country cannot, and must not, elect the failing Biden-Rosen ticket.
In November, Nevadans will proudly play a critical role in electing President Trump; helping Republicans retake the Senate majority; and retiring Joe Biden and Jacky Rosen.

Sen Rosen’s X(twitter) feed has no comments from the Senator about the debate last night, none  whatsoever.

Back in the 1990s, CNN’s nickname was the Clinton News Network. They have always been the official mouthpiece for the Democratic Party and Joe Biden’s biggest defender. So it was shocking to hear every talking head on CNN last night say Biden did so badly that Democrat leaders want him gone.

CNN’s headline right after the debates was

“Biden’s debate performance sets off alarm bells for Democrats”

followed by

“President Joe Biden’s debate performance has set off alarm bells among top Democrats, leaving some to openly question whether he can stay atop the ticket.”

David Axlerod, Obama’s key political consultant, drove the bus right over Biden last night.

“He seemed a little disoriented. He did get stronger as the debate went on. But by that time, I think the panic had set in,” 

Axelrod also gave voice to a conversation happening among many Democrats on Thursday night: “There are going to be discussions about whether he should continue.”

Deep-state CNN mouth piece John King went for the jugglery

“This was a gaming changing debate in the sense that right now as we speak there is a deep, there is a wide and very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party”

It’s clear Biden was set up last night and will be forced to step aside either before or during the upcoming Democratic Party Convention. Will we see a rematch of Hillary v. Trump this fall? Who do you think will replace Biden?

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