June 25, 2024

Best-selling author and journalist Peter Schweizer once described Harry Reid as a mobster. The once-powerful US senator from Nevada ruled with an iron fist. His power reached every corner of Nevada politics. Even many Republicans publicly supported him when he became the Majority leader of the US Senate. Not so much out of loyalty but out of fear of his willingness to use political force to destroy his enemies.

As the majority leader of the U.S. Senate, his pick for local federal offices, including judges and U.S. attorneys, gave him super political powers, which he used. He used them to smite his enemies and to enrich himself.

The political machine he built still lingers on here in Nevada, but has diminished from its peak. The far-left socialist Democrats have co-opted much of his power base. But many of the people he directly helped put in office are still here and dreaming of the good old days. Folks like Senator Rosen, Congresswoman Dina Titus, and even Susie Lee.

After the death of Harry Reid and the downfall of his hand picked Governor Steve Sisolak, there really is no one who has the political juice, the reach, and the persona to unite and lead Nevada Dems. In many ways, they are leaderless. That’s because Harry Reid chose people he and he alone could control.

This week, the culinary union, the cornerstone of Harry Reid’s political machine, and the leaders of the Nevada Democratic Legislature are divided. Assembly Speaker Steve Yeager and Nevada State Senate Majority Leader Nicole J. Cannizzaro’s policies went so far to the left that the culinary union has refused to endorse them for re-election this year. This would never have happened while Harry Reid was alive.

The Nevada Democratic Party is deeply divided between the Harry Reid machine holdovers and the new younger far more radical Socialist Democrats (the Bernie Sanders wing).

So it’s no wonder the Nevada Dems are now reaching back out to Harry Reid to help unite them. This week, the Nevada Dems email blasted out a fund-raising pitch with a Harry Reid vintage “MACHINE” T-shirt and are hoping to put Humpty Dumpty back together.

In the words of their hero, Rodney King. 

“Can’t we all just get along?”



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