HomePoliticsBIDEN ADMITS USING CV RELIEF FUNDS TO FORCE MASK MANDATES ON STATES Politics BIDEN ADMITS USING CV RELIEF FUNDS TO FORCE MASK MANDATES ON STATES Jan 15, 2022 Rob Lauer Political Reporter It’s now official. It’s no longer a conspiracy theory. The Biden administration is using CV19 relief funds to force states to implement mask mandates including in our public schools. Democrat Steve Sisolak and local Clark County School board members refused to acknowledge that their mask mandates were tied to the $700 million they are receiving from the Biden administration. But this week, the Biden administration moved to claw back CV19 relief funds from Arizona after they implemented “anti-mask” policies. The Arizona Legislature passed the COVID-19 Educational Recovery Benefit Program which provides $7,000 for parents if their child’s school requires face coverings or quarantines after exposure. It lets parents use the money for private school tuition or other education costs and operates under the state’s existing school voucher program. The Biden Treasury Department issued the following statement: “By discouraging families and school districts from following this guidance, the conditions referenced above undermine efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. Accordingly, these school programs as currently structured are ineligible uses of (Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds).” Arizona Governor Ducey fired back “We’re going to defend that program and any other future program that is designed to get kids caught back up and mitigate the learning loss” that has taken place over the last year.” The Clark County School Board has refused to challenge Gov. Sisolak’s mask mandate and actually defended it in Federal court back in November after parents sued the district over the policy. The CCSD board has refused to go on the record and vote up or down on the mask policy. According to the Southern Nevada Health District less than 5 kids out of 400,000 kids ages 5 to 18 have died with or from CV19 in all of Clark County since the beginning of the pandemic. When 360 News asked Clark County School Board Trustee Katie Williams why she refuses to fight the mask mandate she said “We are just following the Governor’s policy”