HomePoliticsCRAZY BERNIE SUPPORTERS ACCUSED OF VANDALIZING SEVERAL BLOOMBERG OFFICES Politics CRAZY BERNIE SUPPORTERS ACCUSED OF VANDALIZING SEVERAL BLOOMBERG OFFICES Feb 22, 2020 Rob Lauer Political Reporter Mike Bloomberg’s campaign offices were vandalized and Bloomberg is blaming Bernie Sanders supporters. Bloomberg is blaming Sanders supporters because the words spray painted in attacks mirrors Sander’s own political attacks on him. Bloomberg’s Knoxville offices were vandalized Thursday night with the words “Eat the rich” and “Fuck Bloomberg” “authoritarian,” “classist” and “oligarch,” “We don’t know who is responsible for this vandalism, but we do know it echoes language from the Sanders campaign and its supporters,” Bloomberg campaign Kevin Sheekey said. Skeekey went on to say “Over the past week, we’ve seen similar attacks against Mike Bloomberg 2020 offices in multiple states. Fortunately, no one has been injured. But this needs to end before someone gets hurt,” The Toledo, Ohio, office was vandalized on 2/13 The Youngstown, Ohio, office was vandalized and defaced on Feb. 14 The Ann Arbor, Michigan, office was vandalized with writing on windows saying “Corporate Pig” on Feb. 13 The Flint, Michigan, office was defaced with a sign saying “Eat the Rich” on Feb. 16 Earlier this month a Sanders Supporter was arrested for vandalizing a Republican office. 43-year-old Michael Valls was caught on surveillance video Feb. 8, 2020 smashing windows of the Eureka, CA Humboldt County Republican Party office. According to arrest reports, Valls was picked up a few blocks away with a Bicycle with a Bernie Sanders sticker on it. Valls was charged with attempted arson, burglary, felony vandalism, resisting arrest and providing a false name. According to the county jail on Saturday, Valls had only racked up a $25,000 bail. By Sunday, Valls was on the streets again.