December 22, 2019
Rob Lauer Political Reporter
In the 2019 Nevada State Legislative session, Democrats rammed through gun control laws over the objections of, not only every Republican but, also over the objections of every County Sheriff in the state. The Democrats passed SB143, the background check law, and then passed the RED FLAG LAW, both of which go into effect January 1, 2020. Every single Sheriff in Nevada signed an open letter to Gov. Sisolak objecting to the laws, with many declaring themselves 2nd Amendment Sheriffs refusing to enforce the unconstitutional laws.
NV AG Aaron Ford threatened the Sheriffs with legal action and the Dem lawmakers threatened them with removal if they refuse to enforce Dem’s gun control laws. So now, the County Sheriffs must take legal action to protect themselves from these unprecedented threats.
NevadansCan, a Public Policy Non Profit, filed a lawsuit in early December challenging the Red Flag Law in court. Sheriff Allen of Humboldt County is the first of many sheriffs jumping on board the law suit. Just imagine, standing in the Nevada Supreme Court, on one side will be NV Attorney General Aaron Ford and Gov. Sisolak, and on the other side standing there will be a dozen or so elected county sheriffs.
The elected NV Supreme Court Justices, just ruled in the Anderson case unanimously in September 2019 that only a jury trial conviction, even if the charge is a misdemeanor, can be used to remove a citizen’s firearms. The Red Flag Gun Law allows a Judge to order the Sheriff to remove guns from a person’s home without a hearing, without due process, without any criminal conviction and without a jury. So it will be the Sheriffs and their deputies who must enforce this law putting them in harm’s way. If the court wants to maintain any semblance of credibility it will strike down the Red Flag law. They should strike down the Red Flag Law unanimously and send a message to the far left in the Nevada Legislature that they need to listen to our elected county Sheriffs before passing such laws in the future.
Link to the lawsuit: