June 11, 2024

President Trump made major headlines this week when he visited Las Vegas. At least 10,000 people came out to Sunset Park in 106-degree weather to see him speak. While un-indicted, Felon Joe Biden literally could not fill a high gym in Pennsylvania last week. But that wasn’t news.

Trump was endorsed by the local police union, the Las Vegas Protective Association, which represents over 4,000 Metro Police officers.

Steve Grammas, a police officer with the LVMPD and current sitting president of the Las Vegas Police Protective Association, said:

“We can not continue this trend for another 4 years. Your police officers need help, and that help is in the form of President Donald Trump. He is the voice and leadership that we desperately need to keep our community safe. He has always supported us, and now it’s time we support him.”

“The men and women of the LVPPA stand with you, President Trump, and we ask you all to do the same. Trump 2024!”

Trump kept his word and issued an endorsement in the U.S. Senate primary race for Sam Brown.

Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate Brown responded to Trump’s endorsement, saying:

“I am honored to have President Trump’s endorsement of our grassroots Duty First movement for the U.S. Senate. Together, we will work towards delivering a better future for every Nevadan! I look forward to helping President Trump pass the America First agenda in the U.S. Senate after we both win in November. Our message to every American is clear: relief from the Biden-Rosen American Nightmare will soon be here, and the hope of the American Dream will be restored!”

Trump also endorsed John Lee in the Republican primary for CD 4.

John Lee responded, saying:

“I’m honored to have President Trump’s support in the Republican Primary for Congressional District 4. I would greatly appreciate your vote!”

The real story is that Trump’s endorsements fall right in line with Gov. Lombardo’s endorsements and are contrary to those of other powerful political leaders here in Nevada. Trump’s endorsements make it clear he is following Lombardo’s lead, regardless of the cash raised and donated by other powerful local Republican leaders.



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