August 8, 2024

Since 2017, Nevada Senator Jacky Rosen’s first term in the House, she has asserted under penalty of perjury that she had no control over stock trades made by the Larry and Jacklyn Rosen Family Trust. The Trust has, according to her reporting, some $14.6 million. Rosen’s claims first came under fire in an article in 2023 in the Daily Beast.

The Daily Beast reported Rosen had violated the Stock Act by failing to report a stock trade in the natural energy company within 45 days. It appeared Rosen tried to conceal the trade since she supposedly believed in global warming, IE climate change, and was all in for solar. But this one trade brought to light a BIG LIE. She actually was and has been in charge of her trust, according to a recent disclosure by her attorney.

Last week, on July 26, 2024, Jacky Rosen’s lawyer filed notice with the Senate Secretary’s office disclosing that she has been running her family trust and not her appointed trustee. So for the last seven years Rosen has signed under penalty of perjury, to the contrary. Every Senator is required to complete the United States Senate Public Financial Disclosure Report. 

The form she signed for the last 7 years annually states

Any individual who knowingly and willfully falsifies, or who knowingly and willfully fails to file this report may be subject to civil and criminal sanctions. (See 5 U.S.C. app. 4, § 104, and 18 U.S.C. § 1001.)

(B)Any person who—

(i) violates subparagraph (A)(i) shall be fined under title 18, United States Code, imprisoned for not more than 1 year, or both; and
(ii) violates subparagraph (A)(ii) shall be fined under title 18, United States Code.
If Rosen were President Trump, she would have been perp walked already. Compare this to Trump’s New York case, where the DA charged him with 24 crimes for failing to disclose payments made to a woman with his own money, not campaign funds. But don’t hold your breath. The Biden DOJ will never charge her like they did Trump.
The recent revelation has triggered an investigation by the Senate Ethics Committee, according to reports.
Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate Sam Brown Issued the following statement:
For the past 6 years, Jacky Rosen has been violating federal law by hiding her wealth, violating the STOCK Act, and failing to disclose she is a trustee on a nearly $15 million trust. She’s been illegally filing her disclosure forms for the entirety of her Senate career!
On top of it all, it’s been revealed Jacky is profiting BIG from higher drug prices with her major investments in Big Pharma. Multimillionaire Jacky Rosen couldn’t be more out of touch with Nevada’s working families.
In 2022, 360 News Las Vegas broke the story revealing then Governor Sisolak was under federal investigations for giving his buddy a license to conduct COVID testing. That story was site by Lombardo’s campaign ads for months leading to Sisolak losing his election by 1.5 points.

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