Aug 25, 2024

On Thursday, after Kamala’s DNC speech, Dem friends texted me bragging she was going to crush Trump. Friday, after RJK Jr. endorsed Trump, they texted me OH Shit.

This collation may be the most bizarre in American history. But the Democratic Party drove the two men together with their hate-filled lawfare, censorship, and MSM war against both. Then Biden-Harris denied RFK Jr. Secret Service Protection until the assassination attempt against Trump last month. A deeply personal issue for RFK Jr. that may have moved the dial for him towards Trump.

Less than a year ago, RFK Jr. left the Democratic Party and became an independent candidate for President of the United States. He walked away from that legacy. Why? As RFK Jr. told us, the Democratic Party used to represent American workers and union families. Democrats defended the 1st Amendment and all constitutional rights. They opposed most of the wars after WWII. Today, the Democratic Party supports giant corporate interests over workers, supports censorship, funds endless wars, and has worked to destroy the 1st Amendment. They supported lockdowns and vaccine mandates and ran over the rights of every American under the false flag of health.

RFK Jr. was extremely strong and unapologetic in defending Israel’s right to kill off Hamas. Even when challenged head-to-head by folks, he stood his ground and continued to defend Israel’s war for survival. He slammed the United Nations’ history of failure. He pledged to close our border.

Just like Reagan said, the Democratic Party left RFK Jr. But his message is resonating with many moderate Democrats. Lifelong Democrats have been fleeing the party here in Nevada and becoming proud nonpartisans for the past several years. Many of those former Dems helped put Gov. Lombardo in office last year. Non-partisans or independents now outnumber both the Nevada Republican and Democratic Parties.

He openly accused the CIA of murdering his uncle and father, and he backs it up with facts. He is a man on a mission. The son of a murdered father should never be underestimated.

This week, RFK Jr. endorsed President Trump for president. The two men agree on closing the border, cutting taxes, ending vax mandates, and no more endless wars. while they disagree on abortion and the environment. That may actually help Trump. Many libertarians and soft Dems may feel less threatened by Trump on those issues after RFK Jr.’s endorsement.

On May 1, 2024, 360 News reported:

Poll after poll has Trump leading Biden in Nevada by as much as 8 points. But when you ad in third-party candidate RFK Jr. into the polls, Trump’s lead jumps by 3 to 4 points. It seems like every day we see RFK Jr.’s campaign qualifying to be on the ballot in another state. Harris’s lead has dropped over the last month from 6.2 points to 1.5 points here in Nevada, according to the Silver Poll.

These polls do not take in to consideration RFK Jr. dropping out and endorsing Trump.

Dems were so worried that they filed a lawfare suit against RFK Jr. here in Nevada to keep him off the ballot even though he successfully gathered the necessary signatures.

After two years of lawfare, an assassination attempt allowed to happen by the Biden Administration, practically encouraged against RFK Jr., and a palace coup installing Kamala Harris, both Trump and RJK Jr.’s voters agree on one thing. The Democratic Party is the least Democratic institution in the country. And that may be enough to work together to win the election here in Nevada.


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