Sept 8, 2024

Economics 101 says inflation is caused “when the money supply grows faster than demand, people may try to spend their extra cash.” Bidenomics is doing so well for Americans that the Biden administration is now set to hand out $120 extra to folks on food stamps.

Its illegal to hand out cash on the street corner outside a voting station to influence voters but its legal for the government to do it with your money?

The Division of Welfare and Supportive Services and the Nevada Department of Education are issuing a one-time extra payment to help “kids” right before early voting starts. This money was supposed to be issued at the beginning of the summer to help kids on free school lunch programs, but they delayed this one-time payment to this month. According to the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services, around 350,000 kids (adults and illegal alien children) in Nevada will benefit from the S-EBT program.

DWSS Deputy Administrator Kelly Cantrelle issued a statement:

“The rules for the program are complex. However, families with children will benefit from these additional funds by supplementing school lunches or providing after-school snacks. Our team is here to help families navigate through the process and answer any questions they may have.”

Applications will be made available on Sept. 20th for families that did not meet the automatic eligibility criteria and would like to apply. This means the money will go out right in the middle of early voting in Nevada. What a coincidence! Remember this money was supposed to be issued at the beginning of the summer to help poor kids eat over the summer when there was no free school lunch?

Putting aside the issue of parental responsibility to support ones kids, if Bidenomics is working so well, why do folks need each food money from the government? The Biden-Harris administration is handing out more cash to help fight inflation. Humm. Isn’t that how this crisis started in the first place?

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