Dec 29, 2024

Robert Ybarra was charged with the murder of Nancy Griffith in 1979 after the 15-year-old girl survived long enough to identify Ybarra for police after he raped her, drenched her in gasoline, lit her on fire, and left her for dead in White Pine County. Ybarra was tried and sentenced to death over 40 years ago. Nevada currently has 83 prisoners on death row in Nevada.

Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford is the lawyer for the state of Nevada. His job is to represent his client, the People of Nevada, regardless of his personal feelings on the law. In Ford’s official capacity as Nevada Attorney General, it is his legal obligation as a lawyer to push forward the executions of prisoners found guilty by a Nevada jury and sentenced to death by a Nevada jury. But Ford has done everything but his duty in this matter.

Not one convicted killer has been put to death in Nevada under Ford’s watch. While it’s true that no one has been executed in Nevada since 2006, at least his predecessor Adam Laxalt did push cases forward. Under state law, only lethal injection can be used to execute prisoners.

Recent history

2017—Inmate Scott Dozier actually filed a motion wanting to be executed and waiving all his appeals. But a Clark County District Judge issued a stay of execution for Scott Dozier, putting off the country’s first attempted execution using an unprecedented lethal injection protocol featuring the opioid pain medication fentanyl and the paralytic drug cisatracurium.

The stay was in response to a lawsuit filed by pharmaceutical man­u­fac­tur­er Alvogen, Inc. The District Judge prohibited Nevada from using drugs produced by Alvogen to execute Mr. Dozier.

2020—Here is where NV AG Aaron Ford comes in and agrees to stop using the lawfully drugs purchased from Alvogen, Inc., Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA, and Sandoz Inc.without putting up any legal fight. 

Following his re-election in 2024, with the help of RINO Republicans, Ford said in an interview:

“I’m opposed to the death penalty. I have always been and will always be opposed to the death penalty. It is a misused and oftentimes discriminatory practice that leads to irreversible consequences when you are wrong. So I do not support the death penalty. “

“I’m going to ensure that the cocktail being used is something that is constitutional, that the thought that is given to every single issue, leading up to the execution of someone under the current laws of our state, is on the right side of the Constitution.”

Texas overcame this effort to block drugs for lethal injections by big drug makers. In 2011, drug manufacturers began blocking their products from being used in lethal injections. As Texas’ struggled to perform executions, it turned to compounding pharmacies, state-regulated agencies that mix their own drugs without federal regulation.

Nevada has dozens of private compounding pharmacies that could lawfully provide drugs for lethal injections here in Nevada as they do in Texas and other states. But Ford has refused to take this step and push the death penalty issue forward.

By the way, Ford led the charge threatening pastors with criminal prosecutions who didn’t close churches during COVID. His actions were overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Aaron Ford is a self-admitted left-wing social justice warrior focused on racial issues rather than actual justice for victims. Victims of murders who often die from old age before their death sentence is carried out. And that’s Ford’s goal: to slow-walk the cases as a way to obstruct justice and dignity for the families of murder victims.

As Aaron Ford prepares to run for governor, it’s important to remind everyone that NV Dem Gov. Sisolak tried to pull a Biden and commute the death sentences of everyone on death row.

360 News Report Dec 21, 2022

With only a few weeks until Joe Lombardo is sworn in as Nevada Governor, Sisolak attempted to use the state prison parole board to reduce ALL death sentences to life in prison. Judge Wilson quashed the effort.

Wilson said in his ruling that the state failed to provide a 15-day comment period. Under Marcy’s Law, a Nevada constitutional amendment added through a statewide vote in 2018 that guarantees notice to victims He said victims were entitled to at least 15 days’ notice before proceedings regarding commutation are discussed.

“Sisolak’s agenda item only provided three business days before the hearing where the commutation… will be discussed,” Wilson explained.

Sisolak issued the following statement:

“I am closing out my time in office this month. I could not allow myself to leave this position without starting the necessary conversations. Placing this matter on the agenda was done as an act of grace and with the understanding that the death penalty is fundamentally broken.”

Joe Lombardo issued the following statement in response:

“I’m thankful to Judge James Wilson for upholding the law, and I’m grateful that he protected the voter-approved constitutional rights of crime victims and their families. I’m relieved that justice has prevailed through Marsy’s Law.”

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