REPUBLICANS CONTINUE THEIR PURGE OF RINOS WITH NEW GROUP TO SUPPORT “DEMOCRATS” Elections, Politics June 18, 2016 Opinion After significant victories last week in the Republican primary in which numerous phony Republicans were dispatched, Conservatives now turn their sites on the rats that... Read More
OBAMA ADMINISTRATION ADMITTED ANOTHER 441 MUSLIM REFUGEES SINCE THE ORLANDO SHOOTING WITH NO WAY TO SCREEN THEM Politics June 17, 2016 Since the Orlando night club shooting just last weekend, the Obama administration has admitted another 441 Syrian Muslim refugees into the US. The Obama Administration failed to properly sc... Read More
REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLY ANTI TAXERS CLAIM VICTORY SCORING MORE TOTAL VOTES THAN GOV. SANDOVAL’S PRO TAX INCUMBENTS IN TUESDAY’S PRIMARY Elections, Politics June 16, 2016 Anti Tax Republicans running in Republican Assembly primary races won more total votes statewide than incumbents who supported Gov. Sandoval's $1.5 Billion tax increase did. Even though inc... Read More
PERV ARRESTED IN WOMEN’S BATHROOM FOR ALLEGEDLY SPYING ON LITTLE GIRL IN NEXT STALL WITH CELL PHONE Politics June 16, 2016 A man was arrested after a 10-year-old girl told her mother that she caught him watching her and possibly video taping her as she used the bathroom. James Thomas Shoemaker, 19, faces one ... Read More