July 28, 2024

It’s official: the Nevada Secretary of State’s office has approved the 131,590 plus signatures gathered by the “Repair the Vote” political action committee placing the Voter ID Initiative on this November’s election ballot. Now the fun begins. Now the crazy racist ads will start soon.

It’s been a long journey for Dave Gibbs’ group. There’s a lesson here that too many folks in Republican politics never seem to learn. They run for office once, lose and go away. But playing the long game is really how one wins American politics. Harry Reid was the master of the long game.

Republicans have been trying to get voter ID for decades in Nevada. But very few big Republican donors were willing to go along for the ride. Dave Gibbs and a small band of amigos worked for the last few years to get it to where it is today. Which is another issue that plagues our party and its policy-making.

Two years ago, a group of Dem lawyers sued to block Gibbs’ 2022 Voter ID Ballot Initiative, claiming Repair the Vote PAC’s Voter ID ballot initiative would hurt minorities because they are too stupid to get picture IDs. They also claimed the ballot language was misleading voters. Even though the judge struck down the ballot initiative in 2022, the judge actually wrote the language he would accept.

Fast forward to 2024: the “Repair the Vote” political action committee, led by Dave Gibbs, again filed a constitutional ballot initiative requiring voters to show a picture ID when voting in person. And again, the same group sued to block it. Nevada lawyer David C. O’Mara, representing the “Repair the Voter” PAC, filed their reply.

Responding Brief (Repair the Vote) (1)

But this time the same judge from 2022, Judge William Maddox, heard the case, and this time he approved the ballot initiative using his language from 2022.

The Court’s approved petition’s description of the effect reads in full:

If passed, this initiative would amend the state constitution to
require that all persons voting in person present an approved photo.
identification before being provided a ballot. It also requires that
Voters submitting a mail-in ballot provide additional verification of
their identity when completing their mail-in ballot.

And on May 25, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court voted unanimously to allow a voter ID ballot initiative to appear on the November ballot, provided they collect the 110,000+ signatures required. The court upheld a lower court judge’s ruling from February of this year.

After Judge Maddox approved the Voter ID Initiative, Gov. Lombardo jumped onboard, throwing money and support, helping push it over the top.

But this will take playing the long game to ultimately win. This is a constitutional ballot, which will require winning two, not one, state-wide elections. Then it goes back to court to address any deficiencies they drum up.

If you want real change, you must commit to that. No one is coming to save us.

Commit to $20 a month to Repair the Vote now.

Website link for Voter ID Ballot Initiative —>  Repair The Vote



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