Jan 11, 2025

Nevadans are continuously told we have a water crisis because of climate change. We need to pull up our green grass and replace it with ugly rocks in our front yards. Los Angeles is burning because they don’t have water in their reservoirs to supply fire hydrants. But the fact is we have plenty of water and the technology to have an endless water supply here in Nevada and in California.

In May 2022, the California extremists blocked the construction of a brand new $1.4 billion desalination plant in Southern California, claiming, “It may hurt the Pacific Coast.” The state’s Coastal Commission (which is controlled by Gov. Newsom) voted unanimously to deny a permit for Poseidon Water to build a plant to produce 50 million gallons of water a day in Huntington Beach, southeast of Los Angeles.

Keep in mind, Poseidon Water started the permit process in 2016, some six years prior.

The plant would have sucked in nearly 107 million gallons of seawater and spit out 50 million gallons of drinkable water a day, enough to supply nearly 460,000 people in Orange County, which is home to about 3.2 million people.

Coastal Commission staff also sounded the alarm about the millions of gallons of larval fish that would be sucked into the plant and the millions of other marine creatures killed by the water pumped back into the ocean.

But Poseidon has a water plant in Carlsbad that’s safely producing millions of gallons of drinking water per day already.

The mayor of Carlsbad and a representative of the San Diego County Water Authority extolled the company’s Carlsbad facility, the mayor calling it

“drought-proof and locally controlled.”

Newson’s Coastal Commission said it may damage algae as their reason for killing the funded project.

Meanwhile in Dubai, the Jebel Ali Power and Desalination Complex, the largest facility of its kind in the world, pipes water from the sea, sending it through a series of treatment phases, then to the city as drinkable water. Jebel Ali currently has 43 operational desalination plants.

Seawater desalination now provides 80% of potable water in Israel from five major desalination plants. The five active plants provide 600 million cubic meters/yr (mcm/yr).

In Saudi Arabia, desalination plants provide about half the country’s drinking water. About 40% comes from groundwater. The remainder comes from surface water (about 10%). Desalinated water is prevalent along the coasts, surface water in the southwest region, and groundwater elsewhere. The capital, Riyadh, however, is supplied to a great extent with desalinated water pumped from the Persian Gulf over 467 km to the city located in the heart of the country.

BTW Poseidon Water is still fighting to build their desalinization plant in Huntington Beach with a pending application with Biden’s EPA. President Trump should approve that in the first 30 days after taking office.

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