July 5, 2021
Rob Lauer Political Reporter
In 2009, Al Gore predicted within 5 to 7 years ALL the Polar Ice would be gone. Time has proven him completely wrong. 25 years ago The New York Times predicted “The earth has entered a period of climatic change that is likely to cause widespread economic, social and environmental dislocation over the next century if emissions of heat-trapping gases are not reduced, according to experts advising the world’s governments.” They predicted beaches in Florida and elsewhere would be gone by now. Wrong again!
All these climate frauds continue to fly around the planet on their private jets and live in their mansions demanding that average Americans give up their cars, their AC and their very lives in many cases to “Stop Climate Change and Save the planet”. Coal, Oil and Gas have pulled millions of people out of the dark ages and out of poverty. BTW these same folks refuse to demand China cut their coal and oil uses.
The Liberal media and Socialist Dems have been demanding for decades that the “Science” on Global Warming and now “Climate Change” are settled and cannot be challenged. But every prediction their scientists have made since 1970 have been dead wrong. Back in the 70’s the “Science” claimed the Earth was headed into a new ice age. Then it was Global warming and now it’s just Climate Change.
Thank God the U.S. didn’t listen to Al Gore and the New York Times by destroying our oil and gas industries. Let’s all remember the past when we hear the same folks today continue their fake climate emergency seeking to destroy the United States of America.