July 21, 2204

Let me be clear. I am not on the Republican’s team or Democrat’s team. I am on America’s team first and foremost always.

If you let a 3 year old play with a gun someone is going to get shot.

Ever since Biden’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan, I have been calling on Republicans to impeach him. The man is grossly incompetent and always has been. He covers it up with the media’s help by lying. Biden allowed prisons on our bases in Afghanistan to release all the terrorists. One of whom set off a bomb, killing 15 American service members. Biden left thousands of Americans and our allies to fend for themselves after he failed to hold back the Taliban, who sweep through the country like mystery meet tacos from a Tijuana street vendor. Biden has politicized and weaponized every department of the federal government to destroy his political rivals.

Biden’s U.S. Customs and Border Control allowed some 10 million illegal aliens into our country, including terrorists, sex traffickers, and drug lords. Biden’s Justice Department and FBI were hunting Trump and his allies instead of hunting apex criminals.

Biden’s handling of the Ukraine and Israeli Hamas conflict has been a national security nightmare. Again, Biden to this day has left American Hostages to die in the hands of Hamas.

So no one should be surprised by the revelation that Biden’s Secret Service was also politicized and weaponized like every other department of the Federal government to destroy his political rivals. Everyone in Washington, D.C. knew Biden refused RFK Jr. Secret Service Protection. That was a glaring example for months for all to see. For the last 9 months, Trump folks have been ringing the alarm bells about the death threats against Trump and the lack of adequate Secret Service security.

Director Cheatle refused Trump’s requests for expanded Secret Service protection even when they had reports that Trump’s threat level was off the charts. Again, former SS officer Dan Bongino was ringing the alarm bells a few months ago on his radio show, saying Trump’s threat level was through the roof, but Director Chealte refused him more agents.

Check this 9 month old video. Skip to 6:19 seconds in.

Let me clear, as long as Biden and his people are in charge we are all in mortal danger from criminals and terrorists he let into our country, from Fentanyl he’s allowed to flood our streets and from China who may attack Taiwan while Biden fumbles around the White House.

Dems are calling on Biden to step down because they know he can’t beat Trump not because of his failures. They think he’s done a great job. They’re just desperate to save their own political asses.

Republicans are to blame for this mess as much as anyone. Instead of doing the right thing and impeaching Biden after the Afghanistan withdrawal they left him in office because they felt he would be easier to defeat in the election than other Dems.

We have the greatest system ever devised by humans. But our system of government requires people of character to work properly. And that is why we find ourselves in such a mess as a nation right now.

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