May 31, 2024

The world witnessed for the first time in American history a former president and, more importantly, the presumptive nominee of one of the two major parties convicted by the opposing president’s party. We wanted to give you a taste of what Nevada Republican leaders were saying.

Gov. Joe Lombardo is standing strong with President Trump.









Republican Minority Leader Assemblyman PK O’Neill:

I am extremely disappointed however not necessarily surprised by the jury’s decision. Former President Trump has continually asserted his innocence. I fully expect there to be an appeal in the case as is his right, with a different outcome. I fully oppose any effort to politicize the judicial process which appears to be the case.


Candidate for CD #3 Drew Johnson’s issued this statement:

President Trump has been found GUILTY of fraud by a New York court. This is an unfathomable miscarriage of justice. I will continue to proudly stand by his side. In Congress, I will fight the far-left extremists who work to attack Trump and undermine our justice system.


Candidate for CD#4 John Lee

The real verdict will come on November 5th. #Trump2024


Candidate for CD #4 David Flippo’s issued this statement:

The outcome of this trial is nothing less than a travesty of justice against not just @realDonaldTrump but the American people.


Nevada CD# 1 Congressman Mark Amodei

If you think justice is blind in New York City, better think again. It is an embarrassing and sad day for a Country that has for hundreds of years operated on the premise that prosecutions and politics should never be mixed.

Candidate for CD #3 Elizabeth Helgelien’s issued this statement:

Candidate for CD #3 Dan Schwartz’s issued this statement:

Let me be clear:  weaponizing our judicial system against a political opponent is wrong and fundamentally un-American.  The American people can see through this charade. We must make our voices heard loud and clear this November by re-electing President Trump.”

Candidate for CD #1 Flemming Laren’s comments:

It will be overturned by the NY Supreme Court. 1000%


Interesting to note Congress Woman Susie Lee refused to issue any public comment so far.

Dina Titus also refused to issue any public comment so far


Just for Kicks



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