Oct 12, 2024

This week’s Real Clear Presidential poll, which is an average of a dozen nation polls, has Trump beating Harris in Nevada for the first time since Harris jumped in the race, just barely. Don’t start popping champagne bottles yet.


Trump is leading Harris by .2% of a point, well within the margin of error. However, his projectory has been going up since September 21, 2024. Trump voters don’t trust the MSN and have been historically under-counted in the polls.

Harris got a bump from the debate because she came off as prepared and avoided cackling. They set her expectations so low that she only had one direction to go. Harris’ support seems to have peaked too early on September 29th. Since then, it’s been sliding.

Don’t let all this noise deter you. The race is neck and neck within the margins of error with no room for sloppiness at this point. But some of the Trump trends are extremely positive. Male Blacks and Hispanics are voting Republican in huge numbers for the first time.

Hispanic Americans don’t like the illegal immigration for the same reason Black American males don’t like it. They see the illegal immigrants taking their jobs and pushing down wages.

Harris has tried to project herself as a leader with a new direction going forward while also standing firm with Biden on his record. In an interview this week, she said there was nothing she disagreed with and stood by the Biden Harris record. Harris has been trying to gaslight voters, claiming inflation isn’t a real issue, and if it is, it’s because of those greedy grocery stores. She has failed to put forward any plan to tackle inflation. While Trump has been crystal clear, stating he’ll focus on increasing oil production in the U.S. to bring down the major driver of inflation, high energy prices.

The good news is folks blame Biden Harris for the inflation and their suffering. The suffering is real. This is a pivotal election that may determine the future of our nation. It’s time to stand up and vote.



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