Sept 6, 2024

In the course of one week, years of I told you so came true. First Fake Republican Katie Williams finally leaves the CCSD School Board in complete disgrace. And the Second I told you so, Chuck-YOU-Muth admits I was right 4 years ago when I wrote about the mass voter registration fraud in Nevada.

For years I have been saying Clark County School Board Trustee Katie Williams was a fake Republican who lied to get elected then screw us over when she supported masking our kids, closing our schools, Trans-Gender Studies and retaining Superintendent Jara. In fact, she was the deciding vote to keep Jara.

I wrote this on Oct 8, 2022

“This week, Katie Williams cast the deciding vote with Bernie Sanders Socialist Lola Brooks to retain Superintendent Jara and give him a $75,000 raise, moving his salary up from $320,000 to $395,000 and extending his contract for 3.5 years. Katie Williams voted in support of Jara’s job evaluation as “highly effective.””

In January 2023, I wrote about her rumored run for State Senate while exposing her secret job as a lobbyist for a far left group. The Far Left woke California based group, Agile City’s website touts using the pandemic to get rid of gas cars to promote “equity”.

“Now 360 News has uncovered that Katie Williams has been working for the last year for the far left woke lobbying firm Agile City, which could be an ethics violation.”

Good riddens. Clark County DA Stave Wolfsen has declared her seat vacant.

I Told YOU SO # 2.

Political whore Chuck Muth has called me so many names over the years just because I actually reported facts about voter fraud in Nevada.

Recently he must have been paid off by the good guys recently because now he has seen the light. Rob was right (he’ll never admit it) but he just wrote a long winded scathing report about the number of folks registered in Nevada to vote who don’t actually live in Nevada. Thousands of whom voted in 2020.

On Nov 6, 2020 I wrote:

“A group of computer geeks downloaded every name, every address of every vote cast this week in Nevada from Clark County Elections Department and Washoe County Elections Department. Then they ran all those names through a computer data system that cross referenced them with data from the Credit Reporting Company Experian and found some information that demands further investigation.

They found, so far, 726 votes cast in Clark County by people who moved away. They found another 2,325  votes cast in Washoe County by folks who moved away.

So far, that’s possibly 3,051 illegal votes cast in Nevada. According to the NV Secretary of State, Joe Biden leads Pres. Trump in Nevada by around 13,000 votes with thousands more to be counted.

We’ve included the names, there current address out of state and when they moved in the attached documents:

I attached the names of those folks so it could be verified. But corrupt District Court Judge Russell in Carson City ignored the facts and covered it up when he dismissed the lawsuit to challenge it. He recently resigned instead of standing for another election.

Now comes Chuck-YOU-Muth, four years later writing

(Chuck Muth) – Over the past month, the Pigpen Project has submitted 34,222 “challenges” of Nevada voters who appear to have moved from the residence where they are registered to vote but remain on the “Active” voter list…
Even AFTER the “routine list maintenance” clean-up announced on August 7.

On August 27, 2024, Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar sent a private message to the state’s 17 county clerks/registrars directing them to REJECT our challenges without even giving us so much as the courtesy of a heads up that he was doing so.

Worse, the SOS memo told the counties they weren’t even allowed to do so without the expressed permission of their county commissions.  I totally disagree with that opinion, but that’s what the SOS declared.

Why is Secretary Aguilar so intent on keeping voters on Nevada’s voter rolls who no longer lives in Nevada?
And why is Secretary Aguilar working clandestinely to prevent us from assisting the county clerks/registrars in cleaning up our “dirty” voter rolls?

Nevadans MUST be able to somehow challenge voters who clearly no longer live where they’re registered.  The integrity and security of our elections depends on it.

While it’s certainly satisfying to be proven right, it comes way too late for our kids stuck in government schools and for the integrity of our election system. Politics is full of grafters, especially here in Las Vegas. Katie and Chuck-YOU-Muth has now proven himself the grafter I’ve warned you about for years. Don’t be fooled by his latest efforts to clean up our election voter rolls. He’s not doing it out of some sense of duty. He’s a political whore doing what political whores do. Next week someone else’s money will yank his chain in a different direction.


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