HomePoliticsSISOLAK THREATENS RURAL COUNTIES’ CV19 REBELLION Politics SISOLAK THREATENS RURAL COUNTIES’ CV19 REBELLION Jan 30, 2021 LYON County County Commissioners passed a resolution Declaring an “Economic Emergency” under Nevada Revised Statute NRS 414, voiding Governor Sisolak’s Emergency Orders. They joined: 1. White Pine County 2. Elko County 3. Eureka County —————- 4. Lander County is on deck 5. NYE County is on deck DOUGLAS COUNTY, CHURCHILL COUNTY, PERSHING COUNTY, WASHOE COUNTY, HUMBOLDT COUNTY & STOREY COUNTY TO WAKE UP —are wavering. Reno Attorney, Joey Gilbert, has been leading an effort helping Rural Counties navigate legal issues related to passing an Economic Emergency Declarations meant to override Gov. Sisolak’s authority locking down the state and most businesses in the process. Issues like Care Act Funding and other state constitutional law. Two months ago, White Pine County was the first county to pass a resolution voiding Sisolak’s CV19 rules. Gilbert told 360 News “White Pine County has been open almost 8 weeks now and no mass death, so they ALL have their test case 4000 people and no problems” Gov. Sisolak’s response: Jan 30, 2021