March 10, 2024

On Friday, I had the opportunity to spend some time with RFK Jr. in a small group here in Las Vegas. I got a truly unique insider’s view of the new political world we find ourselves in. There stood RFK Jr., the son of RFK, the leading Democratic candidate for president. One of his uncles was president, and the other uncle was a senator and the defacto leader of the Democratic Party for a generation. RFK Jr. is the direct grandson of Joseph P. Kennedy, the former Ambassador of England, first Secretary of the SEC, and one of the richest men in American history. The Kennedy family name was the Democratic Party and the most famous political last name of the 20th century.

He is openly accusing the CIA of murdering his uncle and father, and he backs it up with facts. He is a man on a mission. The son of a murdered father should never be underestimated.

Less than six months ago, RFK Jr. left the Democratic Party and became an independent candidate for President of the United States. He walked away from that legacy. Why? As RFK Jr. told us, the Democratic Party used to represent American workers and union families. Democrats defended the 1st Amendment and all the constitutional rights. They opposed most of the wars after WWII. Today, the Democrat Party supports giant corporate interests over workers, supports censorship, funds endless wars, and has worked to destroy the 1st Amendment. They supported lock-downs and vaccine mandates and ran over the rights of every American under the false flag of health.

Just like Reagan said, the Democratic Party left RFK Jr. But his message is resonating with many moderate Democrats. Lifelong Democrats have been fleeing the party here in Nevada and becoming proud non-partisans for the past several years. Many of those former Dems helped put Gov. Lombardo in office last year. Non-partisans or independents now outnumber both the Nevada Republican and Democratic Parties.

Just this week, he got enough signatures to get on the Nevada general election ballot. And it could be on ballots in all 50 states. That would guarantee him a place on the stage of the presidential debates.

Most candidates struggle with building name ID. RFK Jr. has no such problem. RFK Jr. is beating both Trump and Biden with voters under 35 years old. FYI, that benefits Trump. But I met many Trump supporters recently checking out RFK Jr. Many of the libertarian-leaning Ron Paul types really like him. Many of those Ron Paul folks were big supporters of Trump before COVID. COVID and Trump’s handling of the Jab turned many of them off. RJK Jr. is the only one talking about the dangers of the Jab, the corruption of the CDC and FDA, and the threat they still pose to our public health. RFK Jr. is talking on the campaign trail about our food sources and health problems like diabetes. And it’s striking a cord with millions of people. Trump needs to co-opt his message to bring back those Ron Paul folks.

RFK Jr. was extremely strong and unapologetic in defending Israel’s right to kill off Hamas. Even when challenged head-to-head by folks he stood his ground and continued to defend Israel’s war for survival. He slammed the United Nations’ history of failure. He pledged to close our border.

RFK Jr. said in October 2023, in no uncertain terms, he left the Democratic Party primary race for president because the Dems rigged the primary with super-delegates to void the voters’ choice. He must be doing something right if the MSN hates him.

The one thing many Republicans who are flirting with supporting him don’t seem to know is his extreme position on climate change, which truly threatens our free market system and America’s economic future.

Even though his voice is rough, his message and energy are relentless. Trump and Biden understatement RJK Jr.’s power, draw, and message at their own political peril. After all, his family has been winning elections for the last 70+ years. Perhaps that’s why Biden refused RFK Jr.’s Secret Service protection.

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