Clinton accused of cheating in Nevada Caucus. Sanders flips Nevada.

April 4, 2016

On February 20, Mrs. Clinton won the popular vote in the Nevada Democratic Primary Caucus receiving 52.6% of the vote, but over the weekend saw your win here in Nevada switch to a loss as delegates at the Clark County Democratic Convention voted overwhelmingly for Senator Sanders.  In addition, several high ranking Democrats claimed Mrs. Clinton’s team here in Nevada was trying to cheat and block Sander’s victory in the election.

Votes in the Nevada Democratic Caucus are only symbolic and must be followed up by supporters getting out to the County Conventions where they  actually choose the winner.

So, even though Mrs. Clinton received 638 more votes in Clark County in the February Caucus,  according to Nevada Democratic Super Delegate and Sanders supporter Erin Bilbray, Mrs. Clinton’s supporters failed to come out and support her at the Democratic County Convention on Saturday switching Nevada to Senator Sanders.

Sanders, not Mrs. Clinton, is the official winner of Nevada.

The Las Vegas Sun Reported

“Credentials committee member Angie Sullivan said. “We caught the Hillary campaign cheating, we caught the Nevada Democratic Party secretary cheating,” “When it was apparent Bernie started winning, they really turned up the heat.”

According to Democratic Super Delegate and Bernie Supporter, Erin Bilbray she received a call late Saturday night from Democrats on the delegate committee regarding irregularities, including the removal of a sanders supporter from the delegate committee.

Newsmax TV Las Vegas made several attempts to reach Clinton representatives for comment regarding the alleged election cheating by Clinton folks.

Robert Lauer

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